Here’s The Tok! A Little Take on Self-Reflection

Welcome to the first-ever edition of The Tok on Self-Development!

This newsletter is your weekly shot of inspiration distilled from the latest episodes produced by CrazyTok for our clients’ popular podcasts—all about unique journeys, life lessons, and personal growth. All of them made us pause to take in the conversations.

For, everything starts with a bit of self-reflection, doesn’t it? 

Take this newsletter, for instance. 

We at CrazyTok decided to launch these theme-focused newsletters after taking a beat to consider what we wanted to offer our larger audience. You know who you are. Our increasing website visit number and LinkedIn reach-outs (do hit up our friendly founder, Amit Ray, for an all-things-engaging convo if you haven’t yet!) are ever so gratifying. 

The proof of our brainstorming is in this pudding: a unique capsule of the latest and most engaging podcast content, landing in your inbox for your quick consumption and prolonged reflection.

(Follow the links in these newsletters to watch the full episodes and subscribe to the shows!)

In this issue, we highlight a common theme across many of our recently produced episodes that takes off from self-reflection: finding your individual purpose and making progress—be it about building that dream business, being a part of a better society or just living a healthier and happier life.

In YanaTV’s recent episode, hear Avni Martin hold out on “How to be at peace with ourselves and others.” She reminds us that diversity exists not just between cultures but within our own families. 

For those seeking creative inspiration, “Visualizing million dollar ideas with Simon Bowen” of the How to Live Podcast explores the power of visual thinking. 

Turning to the world of wellness in The Dream Catchers Show, “How To Transform Your Physical and Mental Well-Being” serves up practical tips for holistic healing through self-reflection and getting to the bottom of it.

And there are many more such perspicacious deep-dives on related themes. We give you just the snapshots along with the main takeaways from each episode to get you going.

Dive in, watch and stay tuned for more curated content from us, won’t you?

And if you liked this edition, do subscribe and share!

– The CrazyTok Team

Yana TV | How to be at peace with ourselves and others 

“My biggest cultural shock was in terms of the expat culture. I met many women who were expats, and people judged me, completely excluding me beyond my wildest imagination. I was younger and less self-aware then. It hurt me a lot, causing many sleepless nights. However, it inspired me to reflect deeply on why it bothered me so much. This introspection led me to become a coach and an inner child integration therapist as part of my healing process.” – Avni Martin

How to break barriers and rethink diversity and inclusion

  • Embrace diversity: It’s a game-changer. By embracing diversity within your family and beyond, you’re fostering understanding, harmony, and a unique family identity.
  • Challenge your biases: Let’s break down those walls. Real inclusion requires an open mind, empathy, and a willingness to learn from different perspectives.
  • Turn challenges into opportunities. Adapting to a new culture can boost your resilience, self-awareness, and sense of identity. It’s like levelling up in real life!
  • Create supportive environments for working mothers: Let’s make it happen. Build workplaces and societies that empower women to thrive both professionally and personally.


YouTuber shares how he manages his finances to live large in Singapore 

“My entire income source is about 20K a month, including saving interest and YouTube income. For those who think YouTube is still a hobby, it can absolutely be a profession. But I have to add that this whole YouTube thing is quite tough. For every one that succeeds, there are nine who fail.” – Kelvin Tan

From Hobby to Income: Long-Term Strategies for YouTube Prosperity

  • YouTube success isn’t just about great content. Understanding the platform’s algorithm and consistently delivering value is key.
  • Stay relevant and adapt. Keep your finger on the pulse of market trends, viewer preferences, and platform changes to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Plan for the long haul. Building a sustainable YouTube career requires long-term planning for both content creation and personal finances. With the right approach, anyone can turn their hobby into a primary income source.


How this foreigner built a horse-riding business in Singapore 

“You are always learning from them. In the end, you get a sixth sense. What I do, what we riders and trainers do, is train the horses physically for the best performance. But at the end of the day, they are just like us and have their own moods. Many people compare our sport to riding a motorcycle or car. But we must go into their minds and try to interact, and speak their language.” – Luis Blanco

Lessons from Singapore’s Equestrian Scene

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Just like Luis did when he settled in Singapore’s equestrian industry, challenges can be stepping stones to personal and professional development.
  • Master the art of non-verbal communication. Develop a deep understanding of non-verbal cues, whether in horse riding or human interactions, to build stronger, more intuitive connections.
  • Use competition to fuel your growth. Harness the power of competition to improve your skills and services, pushing the industry’s standards


How To Live Podcast | Mind your manners with Sara Jane Ho 

“When you see someone with food stuck in their teeth, how do you politely tell them? If it’s one-on-one, I like to say something like, ‘Yes, this movie we watched was so good. Oh, by the way, you have something in your tooth. Anyway, as I was saying…’ This way, you’re sandwiching it and not putting too much focus on the issue.” – Sara Jane Ho

Want to Master the Art of Etiquette?

  • Etiquette is a superpower. It’s more than just manners. Use it to boost your confidence, improve relationships, and level up your personal growth.
  • Be culturally savvy. Be mindful of cultural nuances and adapt your approach to different situations. Embrace diversity and learn from others.
  • Expect the unexpected and roll with it. Be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and seize opportunities for growth.
  • Align your business goals with your values. Find ways to make a positive impact while achieving your professional aspirations.


Visualizing million dollar ideas with Simon Bowen

“I could have two mountains: the first mountain of life and the second mountain of life. In between is the valley of despair, called midlife. People stand at the top of the first mountain, see the second mountain, but also see the valley of despair below. They know they must go down before climbing up again, and they hesitate. They think, ‘I’ll just stay at the top.’ But if they took the risk to descend into the valley, despite discomfort and judgement, the other side is so much more promising.” – Simon Bowen

Unlock the Power of Your Mind with Visual Thinking

  • Think visually, communicate visually. Level up your thinking and communication skills with visual representations. Simplify complex concepts and make learning a breeze.
  • Consider the context. Don’t just see the trees, see the forest. Understand the big picture to make informed decisions, frame problems effectively and communicate clearly.
  • Embrace choice and take calculated risks. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Recognise the role of choice in overcoming challenges and achieving your goals.
  • Tell compelling stories. Engage your audience and make your message stick. Craft narratives that resonate and inspire action.


The Dream Catchers Show | How To Transform Your Physical and Mental Well-Being 

“From the physical perspective, one of the few things I would advise is to avoid what I call ‘verbal diarrhea.’ When you’re tired but your mind is racing, have paper by your side, and write everything down. Your brain will feel empty, and you’ll sleep better. Secondly, use guided meditation music to calm your mind. Thirdly, follow the Ayurvedic clock—sleep by 9:30 PM.” – Ketki

Wellness Hacks for a Healthier, Happier You 

  • Dig deep: Find the root of the problem. Don’t just treat the symptoms. Identify the underlying causes of your health issues for lasting well-being.
  • Explore holistic healing. Consider natural remedies and lifestyle changes. Naturopathy offers alternative approaches to traditional medicine.
  • Mind your mental health. Be mindful of how social media affects your mental well-being. Watch out for signs that you need support and seek help without stigma.

Watch | Read

How to Overcome Fear and Speak Confidently in Public 

“People who truly excel in their careers, business, and life have mastered five core skills. First, the ability to connect with people in the right way. Second, the ability to communicate—expressing ideas clearly, confidently, and convincingly. Third, the ability to network, and build relationships to get the right help when needed. Fourth, the ability to lead, creating high-performing teams without direct supervision. Finally, the ability to influence, shape narratives, and form people’s thoughts.” – Manoj Vasudevan

How to Turn Stumbles into Summits

  • Master the MM&M formula. Harness the power of Mindset, Message, and Mechanics to build confidence and level up your public speaking skills.
  • Learn from your setbacks. Don’t let setbacks trip you up. Embrace them as opportunities to refine your skills and grow as a speaker.
  • Network your way to success. Cultivate unexpected connections to open doors to new opportunities and expand your influence.

Watch | Read 

TiE Talks | Bio-Based Materials: The Next Big Trend in Construction Sustainability 

“Don’t look for a green job; green the job you have. Every part of our economy could be sustainable, but we need to find those opportunities. You’re better positioned in your industry to effect change. You have the networks and understand your industry’s workings. It’s about asking, ‘How can we do this better? What materials do we use? How does this generate impact?’ By asking these questions, we can drive real change.” – Joelle Chen

The Building Blocks for Eco-conscious Construction

  • Design sustainably from the get-go. Don’t just build green, design green! Integrate sustainable practices from the start to significantly reduce both operational and embodied carbon in buildings.
  • Embrace green steel. Consider adopting green steel to lower your carbon footprint and support a more eco-conscious industry.
  • Stay ahead of the curve. Keep up with emerging technologies and methods that enhance energy efficiency and minimise carbon footprints.
  • Let nature be your guide. Leverage passive design strategies to reduce a building’s energy demands and create a more comfortable and efficient space. Also, explore regenerative design concepts that actively benefit the environment and communities.


Timeless Teachings | How do you build a conscious career and raise a family? w/ Jiezhen Wu 

“It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to help a mother fully embody motherhood. If you don’t know where to look, it can feel very isolating and difficult. But if you know where to ask for support, there’s an incredible, conscious community specifically tailored to help moms—becoming moms and already moms—navigate this journey.” – Jiezhen Wu

A Balancing Act: How to Juggle Motherhood and Career with Mindfulness

  • Create your own playbook. Develop a personalised plan that adapts to your changing responsibilities and priorities, integrating both professional and family commitments.
  • Prioritise presence over perfection. Focus on being present with your children and in your professional life rather than striving for unattainable perfection.
  • Define your own success. Reflect on what “having it all” means for you, aligning your personal and professional goals with your current life stage and values.


Quotes That Hit Home

“Diversity isn’t just about countries, ethnicity, race, religion, sexuality, etc. It can exist within the family itself. There was a lot of conflict at home, which made me question why people fight and what it takes to be more inclusive and kinder to one another. The conversation around diversity is broader; it’s not just about ethnicity, race, or religion. It’s really about who we are as people, and each person has their own culture.” – Avni Martin

“Soft, quiet selling is when you present yourself as a sage and do three things. First, express profound genius by showing deep wisdom behind what you’re sharing. Avoid using ego; rely on wisdom. Second, exhibit powerful calm. Use presence instead of pressure to prevent fragmenting the customer. Third, employ practical simplicity. The most sophisticated communication is simplification. When you provide real clarity, the customer understands and is happy to buy.” – Simon Bowen

“Consider creating a ‘possibility playbook’. This can help you find possibilities for your next chapter in life. Take time and space after having a baby to decide what to do next. Some people like to plan far ahead, but give yourself the opportunity to reflect and see if your current plans still align with your goals. A playbook isn’t a fixed plan; it’s a flexible guide that can evolve as your life changes.” – Jiezhen Wu


CrazyTok was born out of the desire to help experts broadcast their knowledge and expertise to the world through podcasts.

We are a team of content experts with a track record of success with over 40 clients, committed to making podcasting easy, affordable and accessible for everyone.

We help you launch, produce and grow your podcast and put in our best efforts to make it simple and hassle-free so you can enjoy the process of content creation without getting bogged down with all the grunt work.

(We also offer blog, social media, short video and LinkedIn post writing services!)

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Book a complimentary brainstorming call with our founder, Amit Ray.

About the Author
CrazyTok is a reliable, affordable and hassle-free podcasting agency focused on producing the best professional-interest content in Asia. We help you conceptualise, launch and grow your own branded podcast so you can showcase your expertise, build a brand and grow your business with high-quality content. We have helped our clients rank on podcast charts in Singapore, India and Vietnam and we would be proud to help you reach the top too!

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