A Note on Collaboration—For Working Couples, Women Leaders and Telcos

Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Tok for Professionals, where we bring you the snapshots of the podcast episodes we produced for our clients on all things business, careers and technology.

In this issue, we explore some challenges and rewards of the modern workplace as well as how to navigate the trends and complexities of diverse industries.

Take a look at our featured insights covering ‘Balancing Work and Family: Insights from a Power Couple’ from the IIM Alumni Podcast. You can also take in an intrepid woman leader’s journey from R&D to the boardroom on the Rewrite The Rules podcast and learn how to build your personal brand. Then, dive into some of the latest trends in the telecom industry by tuning in to the Silent Podcast.

Go ahead—don’t miss these inspiring quotes from industry leaders. Follow the episode links to learn more from their experiences and apply their wisdom to your own career journey.

And if you’re looking for some insights on a podcasting career (or simply some professional help to produce your podcast!), do book a brainstorming call with our founder, Amit Ray. Happy reading!

– The CrazyTok Team

IIM Alumni Podcast | Balancing Work and Family: Insights from a Power Couple


“I think steadiness in relationships is very important, and this doesn’t just mean your personal relationships, it also means your relationships at work. Now, some people call it mentorship. Some people call it role modelling. But it’s essentially that connect and that person you can talk to who you know doesn’t have an agenda all the time. I think it just helps you develop and grow and evolve. Without that, I feel, careers just don’t pan out.” – Aparna Bharadwaj

A Balancing Act, and the Key to Your Success

  • Learning is a lifelong journey. Don’t rest on your laurels; stay curious, keep learning and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of your industry.
  • Being a power couple needs commitment. Work together as a team, setting shared goals and navigating life’s challenges with unwavering support.
  • Relationships are always the foundation of success. Invest in building deep and meaningful relationships for growth, support and a sense of belonging.
  • Money matters, but so does balance. While financial security is important, don’t let it overshadow other crucial areas of your life. Strive for a balanced approach that prioritises both professional and personal fulfilment.

Rewrite The Rules | From R&D to Leadership: Lessons in Career Growth


“Be mindful of your personal brand equity and be intentional in how you want to develop it. We are all brands. We offer something, and we have a unique selling proposition to other people, to the company we work for. How people perceive you at the end of the day, the image that they have of you, is very important. And it increasingly becomes important at the higher levels.” – Zinnia Rivera

Ready to Level Up Your Leadership Game?

  • Be yourself, and own it. Your authenticity is your secret weapon. Embrace your unique qualities and let them shine through in everything you do.
  • Build your brand to shape your future. Your personal brand is your calling card in today’s competitive job market. Invest in it intentionally to create a powerful and lasting impression.
  • Do not overlook self-care. Self-care is essential for maintaining your energy, focus and overall well-being. Make time for activities that recharge you.
  • Trust your circle and their vision. Sometimes, others can see your potential more clearly than you can. Believe in their judgement and take a leap of faith. 

How to be a business partner, not a support function with Gloria Ngooi 


“Many women leaders feel very affected by how people perceive them. If you think that it is a good input and feedback, take it positively. Make that change. However, if it is something without value, then just take it as feedback and move on. Feedback is a gift. But if you don’t like the gift, then just put it aside.” – Gloria Ngooi

How to Lean Into Life’s Curveballs as A Woman Leader

  • Declutter your life to declutter your mind. Focus on what truly matters. Simplify your world, and see your mind open up.
  • Feedback is your fuel for growth. Learn from constructive criticism for self-development. Embrace feedback as a tool for growth, not as a personal attack.
  • Develop a diverse skillset. Don’t limit yourself to a specific job; explore new opportunities and leverage your transferable skills to your advantage.

Silent Podcast | Confidential collaborations: Telcos, PETs and Multi-Party Computation


“Once a telco realises the revenue has declined, they need to generate new revenue. If not, they are sitting on a lot of data. They will not change. I think the mindset change needs to come from the thought. To do the data monetisation, how do you actually bring all the capability together and generate new services?” – Tony Quek

Tips to Revolutionise Telecom with Data and Innovation

  • Data sharing is the secret sauce for fighting fraud. By sharing data securely, telcos save billions of dollars and protect customers from scams.
  • Regulators must hit the gas pedal. Keep up with the breakneck pace of technological advancements to progress in the telecom industry.
  • Telcos, wake up and smell the coffee! To stay competitive, ditch the old ways and explore new revenue streams beyond traditional services.
  • Privacy-preserving tech is the future of data collaboration. Think MPC for secure and collaborative data processing. Telcos can cash in on their data without compromising privacy. 

Quotes That Hit Home

“We have been seeing increasing interest in proper handling of data and very good segregation in terms of who is the owner of data and who has the custodianship of data. And that sets the premise for what tech will be doing. We have been seeing lots of technical innovations in the past decade, largely in the last five years in different domains of PETs. Many technologies which were not scalable even five years ago are now much more efficient and scalable.” – Jay Prakash

One thing I’ve learned is you have to constantly keep learning, or boredom sets in very quickly. Especially after the first two to three years of everything being new and interesting. If you keep challenging yourself and changing your industry, you can change your client base and you can learn so much more. And it keeps you engaged over several decades.”  – Aparna Bharadwaj

I have reflected a lot on material things and possessions. I’ve become a big fan of Marie Kondo’s decluttering method. I’ve decluttered a lot in my personal life and have found that it’s also beneficial at work. Let’s make things simple. Declutter toxic relationships and treasure those that really make a difference in your life. Some experiences have shown me the importance of decluttering and focusing on what truly matters in life.”  – Gloria Ngooi 


CrazyTok was born out of the desire to help experts broadcast their knowledge and expertise to the world through podcasts.

We are a team of content experts with a track record of success with over 40 clients, committed to making podcasting easy, affordable and accessible for everyone.

We help you launch, produce and grow your podcast and put in our best efforts to make it simple and hassle-free so you can enjoy the process of content creation without getting bogged down with all the grunt work.

(We also offer blog, social media, short video and LinkedIn post writing services!)

Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Book a complimentary brainstorming call with our founder, Amit Ray.

About the Author
CrazyTok is a reliable, affordable and hassle-free podcasting agency focused on producing the best professional-interest content in Asia. We help you conceptualise, launch and grow your own branded podcast so you can showcase your expertise, build a brand and grow your business with high-quality content. We have helped our clients rank on podcast charts in Singapore, India and Vietnam and we would be proud to help you reach the top too!

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