
Hosted ByYana Fry

We are an independent Singapore grown platform that amplifies the voices of impactful and conscious people of Asia. We talk about life, family, business, career, health, purpose, mindset, wellbeing, and contribution.“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

YT04 | Celebrating National Day #SG58 And YanaTV Launch

Hello friends. Good evening, good afternoon, good morning, whichever part of the globe you’re in right now. This is Yana Fry from YanaTV. And guess what? We are officially launching a YouTube channel and website this month. As the name says this is Yana which in Sanskrit means a vehicle, a vehicle of knowledge. And I’m so glad that we have so many inspirational people around the world who will be sharing a lot of knowledgeable and inspirational stories with you.

Today Singapore are turning 58. Happy Birthday Singapore and I’m so happy to announce that on August 16. We will be having a dinner, a launch party, and a press conference to celebrate the birth of YanaTV. The content you will be seen on this channel will be inspirational, and educational and they’ll be provocative. Who doesn’t like a bit of fire and dynamite in the conversation right? It will be fun, fabulous, and fearless. I hope to see you on YanaTV soon. Stay glued Bye Bye

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