Everyone Seems To Be On LinkedIn. But What About Me?
After avoiding the subject for as long as possible (no we’re just kidding, we’ve been dying to do an episode on LinkedIn), Subha and Hasita wade into the realm of social media. And what better place to start, than with the world’s largest professional networking platform?
Looking at LinkedIn today, it is hard to see it as a professional platform sometimes. It is replete with opinions that we don’t always agree with, or ideas that we don’t quite comprehend. But it is also a land of opportunities- to learn, to observe, to eventually even share what we think.
Most conversations on LinkedIn are all about the action how many posts to do, how to get a few thousand followers quickly, or how to make these posts go viral.
We’re shifting the conversation, however, to engaging more mindfully. Knowing that social media comes with its own quirks and fallacies, how can we play a positive-sum game? How can we lead conversations to a place where they help us all? How, even, do we get over the very real fears of constantly being in the spotlight?