How Do I knock My Marketing Goals Out Of The Park?
Over time, Hasita’s favorite marketing saying has become this- most people do not have marketing goals, they have marketing dreams. Marketing campaigns can (and should) be creative and fun and even a bit outrageous. Marketing goals, however, need to be rooted in reality, plain hard facts, and be oftentimes, boring.
How do you move from early traction to actual marketing? What marketing processes should you multiply and which ones should you kill?
In this episode, Aniiket Sengar, Director of Marketing Ops for Digbi Health talks us through the process of scaling your wins, testing everything, and knowing when to give up on a bad marketing plan.
Digbi Health is revolutionizing healthcare- they use individual health markers and targeted health plans to get us all to live the best life we could ever live. In under three years, they have achieved astounding business growth, and in this episode, Aniiket discusses how they went from a small marketing team to a full-fledged powerhouse in the middle of a pandemic.
Burger King’s marketing is often customer-facing, and rather tongue-in-cheek. But even they couldn’t foresee the disaster of a tweet thread that begins on the wrong note. A reminder to all of us to watch what we say.