
Hosted ByYana Fry

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YT12 | This body language expert tells us how to spot a good boss

Do you know how to spot a con artist? Or, for that matter, might they actually be your ideal life partner? Meet Christian Chua, a sought-after expert in body language and face profiling, having provided analysis on world leaders for major media outlets such as the BBC and Channel News Asia. With a knack for combining entertainment and profound insights, Christian captivates audiences globally, challenging their thinking and empowering them to succeed. Discover the practical applications of face profiling and gain valuable insights into the world of non-verbal communication in today’s episode of YanaTV.

Discussion Topics: This body language expert tells us how to spot a good boss

  • Face profiling is science, not fortune telling
  • How to spot a conman
  • How to select a life partner
  • Characteristics of a good boss
  • When you should not use this superpower
  • The secret to long lasting marriages
  • My favourite clients
  • Closing

Transcript: This body language expert tells us how to spot a good boss

Yana: Hello and welcome to another episode of YanaTV. Today our guest is Christian Chua who is a leading motivational speaker in Singapore, a body language expert, and a face profiling expert. Christian, thank you so much for being with us. And when we talk about face profiling it’s like face reading. People think tarot cards, reading fortune telling. Is it this kind of face profiling?

Face profiling is not tarot reading or fortune telling – it’s science

Christian: Thank you for having me on your show. First and foremost, I am a motivational speaker and I learned body language. So that helps me a lot in reading people. So this face profiling that you’re talking about, actually comes from the science of epigenetics. So it’s not about tarot reading, it is not about fortune telling, but epigenetics says that there is such a thing called gene expression. So your thoughts, how you’re indoctrinated. How you look at the world is manifested in the structure of your face, your bone structure your muscles and yeah, so a good guy looks like a good guy. Maybe a sad guy looks like a sad guy. A weary guy looks like a weary guy and so on. So that’s the school and approach that I do.

Yana: Tell us a bit more about that. It is scientifically based, clearly, and it’s physiology. How did you learn that?

Christian: So I started off as a body language expert. I’ve been dwelling on it for more than 20 years. I started body language because when I first saw a guy that walked into my office, something similar like this, I said, hey, that guy’s a little bit like a con man, but somehow he got the better of me. And then he spoke and I got taken in and then he offered me a business deal and let’s just jump into it.

Like I knew him for just an hour. And I gave him 40,000 dollars. And after that, as you say, the rest is history, I got conned. Oh my god. I said wow, okay. But there were signs, I said, there were signs to tell me that his body language and all tells me that he wasn’t a good guy. But we keep listening to this thing called don’t judge people. It’s not right to judge people. But I want to say, and I want to say to the audience, I think this is a God-given gift. Your intuition is a God-given gift for your survival.

Yana: The con artist, it’s such I didn’t expect you to share this kind of story. What is the face of a con artist?

How can you recognise a con man?

Christian: Okay. First of all, we talk about body language. They have exaggerated smile promises, things like that. They always agree with you. So anything that does, it’s too good to be true. Usually you need to qualify first, be a bit sceptical, and qualify it. And if you cannot qualify it, then it’s too good to be true. So that’s the first sign but the sign on not say a con artist’s face, but generally when I do lots of profiling on criminals and prisoners, things like that.

Several common trait are that they have very small mouths. When you’re, when you have a larger mouth, you’re more social, you’re more talkative, but when you have a smaller mouth, you tend to keep a lot of secrets. Then the eye, the sharp eye, the wing eye, things like that, and sometimes the eyelids are like half closed and there’s a reason for it.

But in body language is anything that’s open. We are more transparent. We’re more open. That’s why your eyes go up. Your palms go up. I’ve got nothing to hide as compared to I’ve got nothing to hide.

Yana: When was the last assignment you were asked to do a profiling for a criminal? Now you got me curious.

Christian: I don’t officially do profiling for criminals yet But there are lots of police officers that come for my public workshop. And so I teach them how to Look for criminals and we use all the footage and I’ll show them where and how they can actually spot them.

Yana: You do workshops about it. So we can also learn how to read faces. Now you make me even more nervous. Anything about myself I need to know?

Christian: Okay, so the first thing I see, I love looking at the ears. The ears tell me a lot about you. Ah, so they’re open today. The ears are banned in this way. They’re flat against the face. So you are not a person that likes to rock the boat too much. If you can, you want to have harmony. That’s just what you want.

You want harmony. But your inner helix is also sticking out, which means you have a lot of intuition. So maybe in the younger days, you got conned, but these days you’re a little bit more careful. You’re going to start to trust your, you begin to trust your instinct a lot, and you have that you have that feeling, that God feels. Each time you meet someone whether you like that person or not perhaps your selection of guests is also based on that.

Yana: So I’m like a natural natural person reader.

Christian: That’s correct, but maybe you did not learn the definitive, pure definition of what each part means, but you have a natural intuition, right? That’s what grandma always said or mom said, Hey, I don’t quite like that guy you brought home. How do you know him now? I just got that feeling. It is just body language undefined for these people who did not go to a body language cause or a face performing.

Yana: Cause not all of us went to the body language and profiling course yet with you. However, I’m just curious. Could you give us a few tips? Let’s say I wanna make sure that a boy I’m dating is going to be a good husband. So are there any characteristics of a good spouse?

Characteristics of a good spouse

Christian: And I don’t want to commit the answer, but I can tell you a few signs, of course. Because during dating, everyone puts up a show correct? You’re at your best but what you can tell from a person, again, it’s like that few comments, attitudes, and behaviours. So it goes beyond just face profiling or body language. There’s also something called speech analysis. So how do they answer? 

Yana: You’re becoming more and more dangerous second by second.

Christian: Okay, so part of body language is called speech analysis. So for example, if you meet a guy and you said, are you married? A boyfriend, are you married? The first thing you want to hear is that first response, unlike a lawyer who just wants to hear yes or no. A body language expert would like to hear the hesitation and how long he took to answer.

You say, are you married? Not really? So a lawyer will say, no, I want to know yes or no. But that’s good. He’s already given you the answer. Lots of question marks. So that’s what you want. If the person answers, no, I’m not like, why did you even ask me? The guy’s generally not married. So that’s some of the clues. 

Yana: Okay I like that. Another example, so let’s say if I’m I want to get a new job and I’m coming for an interview and maybe I see a boss of the company, passing through the corridor and I’m on my way to the HR, but there’s so face of the boss and I want to know if going to be a good boss for me or not. Are there any characteristics of a really good boss?

What are the characteristics of a good boss?

Christian: But the first thing I would like to do is Citing your example, I’ll take the opportunity to greet the boss and see their reaction. Aha! Say hello, so I’m here for the interview and see whether the person has a friendly disposition like, hi, nice to meet you, welcome.

You already know his character, he’s a very nice person. If the guy gives you a stern I’ll see you in the interview. You should then leave.

To us, a stranger, which is not even your hired employee yet, you’re already so stern, so that’s your natural character. So the other things that you want to see on the bosses, is that they have that assertive big jaw look that is typical in Singapore. You call it tau ke. So very assertive. So you look at the eyes, the eyelids, if there’s a mono eyelid. That means it doesn’t have double eyelids.

So he’s a very left brained person. If a person with double, massive double eyelids, high eyebrows, curved eyebrows, roundish face, they are more people oriented. So if you work for such bosses, there’s more welfare. If you work for a more squarish, boxy type of head, then they are more left brained, they are more KPI focused.

Yana: I also heard that if people have wrinkles exactly like in the middle or like a vertical like one or two those are really tough.

Christian: Is it true? They are highly stressed people. But I would rather look at the wing eye. The wing eye is very argumentative and very authoritative and they want things their way. So if you go for a job interview and you see somebody’s eye, just agree with them and you get the job. So if you have your own mind of your own, that’s probably not the best.

Yana: I love that. I have a tricky question. You’re in a very tricky business. You know a lot about people just by looking at them. Without them knowing, you know all those things about them. What about when to use it, when not to use it, how to use it, is there any borderline, to this kind of art? When we have such good skills, what do we do?

When to use this skill & when to not?

Christian: Yeah, funny how you ask because it’s like a knife is whether you want to use it to cut in the earlier days it was very easy. Everybody was fascinated. But right now with this hypersensitive culture, even before you can finish half your speech, people are already getting worked up and they say, Hey you’re racial profiling, you’re discriminating, which is not the case because there are many tools out there, but there are a lot of tools. 

Psychometric tools are profiling people. Every HR person would do that. It is just how you perceive and whether, and I told them that this information which I’m sharing with you, how you use it is up to your own prerogative. It’s a tool that is available.

Yana: Are you married?

Christian: I am. Happily.

Yana: Okay. How long?

Christian: Seven plus 2, 29 years, 29.

Yana: Okay. I am 29 years old. That’s a long time. So I’m trying to guess, when you met your wife, did you know the body language and face profiling

Christian: Not so much, but maybe the natural intuition.

Yana: Instinct, so you had it. It’s like a natural instinct. So you didn’t choose your partner based on perfect face credentials, so it was more of a feeling.

Christian: Correct. Marriage is all about compatibility. You can fall in love with a person’s looks but the looks will always go away.

Yana: So companionship, just curious what do you feel is the secret to a long-lasting marriage?

What is the secret to long lasting marriages?

Christian: Okay in all relationships, whether marriage or friendship it can always go sour. It’s so easy these days to just get into an argument. In the same way, you could woo a total stranger and people could just fall in love with you because you just made them laugh. Because it’s a good feeling. It’s all the oxytocin and all the feel-good chemicals that come out. People will gravitate towards you because every time you are near you, you make me feel so good. So that’s what husband and wife still should do to each

Yana: I love that. I love that. You also said at the very beginning, you’re a motivational speaker. What is the difference between a motivational speaker and an inspirational speaker? People often confuse those two.

Christian: At least you know something about it. So an inspirational speaker is someone who takes a live story and they spend about 90 percent of the time on stage telling you about that story. And at the end they will say, if I can, so can you, I pick myself up. So can you, so I hope you’re inspired by my story.

Not so many tools, not so many know-hows, but for motivational speakers, things like Anthony Robbins, actually give you a technique. Do this protocol, do that, think about this, do the self-talk method. So this is what motivational speakers are. Actually, our main aim is to give you tools to do self

Yana: Stages, you talk about the body and the face profiling and the speech analysis and the audience goes quiet because especially those that are in the front row, they’re like, he’s looking at us. He’s looking at us. Don’t look.

Christian: That’s usually the case. They refuse to have lunch with me. Exactly until I told them I could teach them how to win in poker.

Yana: So I knew there must be a hidden use to this skill.

Christian: So there’s a story I’m against gambling. I don’t gamble. I prescribe to my children not to gamble. But once I was provoked into a poker game. And because they say, if you are a body language expert, you don’t be a coward. Oh, I went there within 45 minutes. Took everybody’s money and I returned them the money and I said, this is practically like cheating. So anyway,

Yana: Because you are equipped with skills they don’t have.

Christian: So they gave me a token sum and I donated it away.

Yana: Wow. But why do boys make it so easy then? I guess when poker games are all about reading.

Christian: Because I keep watching for their body language, and I don’t have to catch them for every round. I just gotta catch them to slip up once, and then I’ll empty them. So one guy, he wanted to pass, but he hesitated and he came back. He bet half-heartedly and I knew he was just laughing.

Yana: This is fascinating. Any other story that perhaps happened maybe just recently in your professional life around face reading or body language that you would like to share?

Christian: One of the guests on your show. She has asked me to help her select a domestic helper So that is an issue that a lot of Singaporeans may even have.

Yana: Next time I need a new domestic helper. Okay. I know who to talk to.

Christian: If I may elaborate the story, the three pictures were given to me. So I said, the first one is nice. Friendly person, but not very sophisticated up there. So if you are happy to train the person and to tolerate. You know what? Then that’s okay. The second one is very sophisticated.

So if you need someone highly intelligent to make decisions or use discretion, take that someone’s going to be running your car with hope. The third one is too pretty. So the way yeah, the way that she dresses and all those are perhaps the work itself will bore her to death. But so during her So after she might be adventurous.

Yana: This is fascinating. I knew a little bit about what we’re going to talk about when we were preparing for this. So the questions I wanted you to ask, but I must say you just blew me away with all of those things and made me think about all kinds of stuff and I didn’t realise that it’s so versatile to use the skill.

Christian: And wow. I’m so glad because my core title these days I’m using, it’s called mind shift.

Yana: Mind shift. Yes, this is exactly what happens.

Christian: So like when you say, when I teach salespeople, just motivating them and say, you to do more calls. That doesn’t really last after a few days. It was like, that was just a motivational talk. But if you teach them fascinating skills, like how to read your customer using body language and say, Oh my God, this is so exciting. So they have new tools. They get excited, the mind shifts, and the motivation level goes up. So this is what I do.

What’s his favourite type of client?

Yana: So what’s your favourite type of client? 

Christian: People with a learning spirit. So I have met young people who are very open and I’ve worked with brilliant heirs who are very open and yet I also have those people who think they know it all. They are very sceptical and they have a very hard time. Incidentally during training, I told them I don’t need your feedback because you’re already giving me feedback from your facial reaction. And so if you give me feedback, I really know who gave it to me. Even if you put anonymous.

Yana: Oh, this is so funny. Thank you. Maybe the final question for today. Are there any differences between, let’s say, an Asian person or Caucasian person when it comes to face reading in terms of how easy or difficult it is to do?

Christian: Okay, so there are some defaults. That is where I got into a lot of trouble recently because I said, Hey, there are certain defaults that we don’t read. So for example, if we have single eyelids, I told you they are more left brainer and you’ve got double eyelids, then you are more affectionate. But I say by default, Koreans, the Japanese will have that. Because that’s the structure of the face.

And so for the Africans, they will have thicker lips. So when I said that, they said, Hey, you’re racial profiling. No, it’s just I need to. Teach you clinically, and in my workshop, I’ll do that. That is not a part that you’ll take into consideration. So when you do even like criminal profiling certain things, the police will say, okay, because it’s of this ethnicity, then certain factors will be included in the profiling.


Yana: So know what to include and what not to include. Thank you so much Christian. That was great. What we would like to know from you guys. What is your experience? Have you ever had a facial profile reading? Would you like to have it? Are you familiar with body language concept of itself?

 So please share with us in the comments. I would love to read it. Christian would love to read it and we will answer it, give you feedback on those. And we also would love to thank Muse studio for being our venue and videography partner and for hosting Kiana TV and for those who are watching us right now, please remember to subscribe to the channel, share this video with friends. You discuss what our faces look like. You never know. That’s a great dinner table conversation and I’m going to see you next time with another guest.

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