
Hosted ByYana Fry

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YT45 | How to go from zero views to YouTube success

How do you balance being a chiropractor, businesswoman, and a successful YouTuber? Join us on this episode of YanaTV as we explore the multifaceted life of Dr. Jenny Li, who is an American-trained chiropractor and the director of Re: Chiropractic, formerly known as Singapore Pain Solutions. In addition to her chiropractic practice, she runs one of Singapore’s fastest-growing Chinese YouTube channels, Dr. Jenny Li 新加坡.

 From her initial struggles with growing her YouTube channel to finally finding her voice and audience, Dr. Jenny’s story is a testament to persistence and innovation. Learn how she uses her platform to bridge cultural gaps and provide valuable insights for Chinese-speaking expatriates in Singapore. Jenny also delves into the personal side of her journey, discussing motherhood and her approach to blending her diverse roles. Tune in to discover how passion and dedication can transform challenges into impactful opportunities.

Discussion Topics: How to go from zero views to YouTube success

  • How did Dr. Jenny Li start her YouTube journey? Learn about the initial challenges Jenny faced and how persistence led to her eventual breakthrough in content creation.
  • Why did Dr. Jenny decide to switch her channel’s language to Chinese? Discover the strategic decision behind changing the language of her content and how it impacted her channel’s growth.
  • What changed when Dr. Jenny began focusing on cultural differences in her content? Explore how shifting focus to cultural content began to attract more viewers and shaped the direction of her channel.
  • How did interviewing other Chinese-speaking expatriates in Singapore transform Jenny’s content? Delve into how incorporating interviews expanded her channel’s reach and content depth.
  • What does Dr. Jenny believe about the impact of authenticity in content creation? Reflect on Jenny’s belief in the importance of authenticity over strictly following trends or analytics in content creation.
  • Why are there fewer female content creators, especially in Asia? Discover insights on the challenges and societal perceptions that impact the presence of female content creators in Asia.
  • Where is Dr. Jenny originally from and what was her early life like? Learn about Jenny’s origins in Taiyuan, China, and how her background has shaped her perspective and journey.
  • What does Dr. Jenny’s role as a mother add to her perspective on content and life? Hear Jenny discuss how motherhood influences her content and her approach to cultural diversity.
  • Wrapping up

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