
Hosted ByYana Fry

We are an independent Singapore grown platform that amplifies the voices of impactful and conscious people of Asia. We talk about life, family, business, career, health, purpose, mindset, wellbeing, and contribution.“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

YT70 | Her Journey of Building From ZERO — across industries, countries, and challenges.

What’s it like to build yourself from scratch—again and again?

In this episode of YanaTV, I sit down with Kasturi Gomatham, a trailblazer in electric mobility at Shell and a mom to a lively toddler. From designing cleaner engines for Mercedes in Germany to revolutionising e-mobility in India, Kasturi shares her journey of building from zero—across industries, countries, and challenges.

She opens up about finding her courage, asking for help, and navigating workplaces where she was often the only woman in the room. If you’ve ever wondered how to thrive in uncharted territory, this conversation is full of insights and stories that will inspire you to take that first step!

Discussion Topics: Her Journey of Building From ZERO

  • What does it take to build from zero?
  • A magical vision: turning smoke into water droplets.
  • Lost in translation: hilarious struggles of living in Germany.
  • The startup boom: behind the scenes of India’s e-commerce rise.
  • Reinventing tuk-tuks: the scrappy beginnings of electric mobility.
  • The real secret to bouncing back after failure.
  • What would you tell your younger, clueless self?
  • Lessons from parents who were builders before it was cool.
  • What it’s like being the only woman in the room.
  • Allies, resilience, and not letting labels define you.

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