
Accelerate your career, improve your job prospects and become a more valuable professional with practical insights and advice from global leaders and high-achieving professionals.

Hosted ByAmit Ray

Accelerate your career, improve your job prospects and become a more valuable professional with practical insights and advice from global leaders and high-achieving professionals.

All Episodes

JT5 | First, Be Reliable To Win Your Manager’s Trust

This podcast is about how managers value reliability at work. Understand and set expectations properly. Follow through and ensure you and everyone else involved get the job done. Listen now!

JT4 | Show, Don’t Tell

This podcast is about “Show, Don’t Tell,” the time-tested way — get some training, and interview internally, but is it really encouraged? Make it work the right way, without burning bridges, Listen now!

JT3 | Get Noticed In Meetings

This podcast is about how you can get noticed in meetings or how to get your voice heard in meetings. Listen now!

JT2 | Nowadays, Career Growth Is Like Rock Climbing

Your career is a climbing wall; you just need to choose the correct path and follow the right destination to reach new heights.

JT1 | Fire These Four Engines To Launch A Rocketship Career

This podcast is about how you can launch a rocketship career. Here we will discuss some steps and tips that you can apply to achieve a rocketship career.